Thursday, October 4, 2012

Don't Paint the Walls... Keep all Receipts!

So this is the moment you all have been waiting for... but I won't get to it just yet! We have to let the suspense build a little! 

We've received some more lovely and thoughtful presents showcased below: 

Lovely first book from Emily, and Baby's first Robe and Towel from  mom and dad

Little Mono (monkey) and sleeping outfit from Julie

Thank you for all the kind words and support! Every time I open my email or get a comment on Facebook it makes me smile! and Baby kicks too! 

Now onto the meat and potatoes. Before I continue- make your guesses! Boy or girl??

We were originally supposed to find out last Friday, but our doctor was on call and was busy delivering babies (imagine the nerve!) so we waited until Tuesday. 

Our doctor was running a good hour late, and we were on pins and needles. The doctor made us promise that we wouldn't paint the walls and that we'd keep all receipts just in case. 

Of course, once it all started we were all systems go! Baby played a little hard to get and moved all over but we were able to measure most everything. And even though we didn't get any good pictures to share, or get to see baby's face we are happy to announce: 

that we will be bringing home a lovely baby boy in January! 

We have another ultrasound scheduled for Halloween so hopefully our little boy will be less shy by then. We've picked out a name. Our little bundle of joy will be Kabir Isaac Lawson. Kabir from a well known Indian poet whose name means "great one" and Isaac which means "he who laughs." So our little man will be "the great laughing one" and as my boss put it "laughing poetically!" 

We'll start working on our registries and get that information out soon, with more pictures of us, even though we know everyone just wants to see our baby bump! Our friends and family baby shower will be Sunday, Nov. 4th in Rockville, MD. We'll be sending evites and invites soon too! Both of our offices will be throwing showers too! 

Our California family is always near and dear and while we won't be able to make it to California before baby arrives, we hope to visit after baby is born. You are welcome to join in festivities either by mailing cards or gifts, we can video chat or talk on the phone, or you can come out to visit us. Most importantly you can keep doing what you have been doing: sending us plenty of love, support and prayers! 

Hugs and kisses and lots of well wishes!