Thursday, February 21, 2013

One Month and Counting!

Kabir is 6 weeks old! We can't believe so much time has passed! 

I have been horrible at updating the blog but I promise to make up with plenty of pictures and video today! 

Kabir is a lovely, happy, wonderful little baby! Most of the time he eats well, and sleeps soundly. Every once in a while he thinks that 2 am - 8 am is play time, but I think mommy and daddy have convinced him otherwise! 

He's started to recognize voices and faces and turns to you when you talk. He smiles at mommy and daddy, especially when he's doing something naughty like not napping, or when he poops! He loves being read to, swinging in his swing, playing in his bouncer or just laying around. Bath time is another favorite! Kabir has definitely discovered the joys playing in the water :) 

Kabir loves to move his hands and legs, so of course he fights being swaddled. Unfortunately, when you put him to sleep without being swaddled his hands attack him and wake him up :( poor little Kabir!

We also gotten big enough to be mostly cloth diapered! So far, we like them and I can't complain about the laundry because Jay does it :) But I fold all the prefolds, and stuff the pocket diapers we have. Kabir seems to like them so all in all it's a win! Plus the prints are just so cute on his little bum! 

We've started taking Kabir out on mini-outings and he seems to do well. He loves walks in his baby carrier, and does pretty good in his stroller too. The first time I took him out by myself, I started getting ready 2 hours before we left! But now that I have done it once, I try and do it everyday- it helps with the cabin fever. 

Now that Kubs is bigger and awake more, you are all welcome to visit! Just let us know what works for you as most evenings and weekends will work for us. We'd love to see you and Kabir can't wait to meet you! 

Also, we've set a date for Kabir's baptism: July 21, 2013 at the 11:15 a.m. mass at St. Rose of Lima Church in Gaithersburg, MD. Invitations will follow and so will an email with more information. 

And now pictures, lots of pictures and a video of our little man turning! 

Our little Thinker

Angelic sleeper

Bright eyes

Blissfully sleeping

Party in my bouncer!

Look mom! No Swaddle

There's a monkey in my bed...

Staring contest

1 Month! 

Maxin' and Relaxin'

Just playing with my ball 

Waking up is hard 

and we're turning! 

I hope you enjoyed it all!! We'll keep posting pictures and videos as we can. 

hugs and kisses, 
Jay, Sandra and Kabir!