Tuesday, April 9, 2013

12 weeks!

The time is just flying by and I haven't given an update about Kabir in ages!! And of course you need new pictures :) 

Let's see...

Kabir's 3 months old now! 

He's not so interested in turning anymore because he'd rather try and crawl. He's not making any forward progress (thank goodness! we're not ready for that yet!) but he can go around in a circle. 

Kubs has also found out that he has so much to say! He loves to talk to anyone who will listen. He also enjoyed breaking out in fits of giggles over the things he says. He's just such a silly little boy! 

He's trying to suck that ever elusive thumb of his. But since it's ever elusive, he's settled for sucking most of his fist or whatever fingers he can get into his mouth. Not finding his thumb frustrates him to no end! He gets so worked up that I think he's resigning himself to just enjoy his paci since that stays in for the most part. 

He still loves bath time and has figured out how to splash. Mom and dad are going to start getting soaked at bath time! 

Kubs's neck muscles are getting stronger and he likes to try and sit up on his own. He also loves to try and stand when you are holding him. 

Oh and Kabir can't get enough naked time! He loves to lay on his blanket and kick around. Although, tummy time isn't as fun anymore.

He's had some visitors that hadn't met him yet and they all have only the sweetest things to say about him. Kabir can't wait to see you all again! 

At his two month check up, Kabir clocked in at 11 lbs 10.5 oz (50th percentile), and 24.25 inches (90th percentile)! He's a healthy growing little one! 

At 10 1/2 weeks Kabir decided he didn't want to sleep in our bedroom anymore and has moved to his own crib like a big boy. It was a little hard on me at first, but I'm so happy our little boy is moving along life on his own terms. He just loves his room so much! 

And about 11 weeks, Kabir has decided he's going to sleep through the night. He's usually in bed between 9 - 10 p.m. and isn't waking up until 5 - 6 a.m. It's welcome respite for mom and dad! 

We took family pictures for his 3 month milestone! You can visit our album and order prints at: Family Pictures - 3 months

His smiles still make my heart melt. 

Jay is doing wonderfully keeping busy at work. We try and meet up once a week for lunch together as a family. The weather has gotten so much better for that! 

I have resigned my job as one of the previous posts explained. Kabir and I spend our day playing and talking. We take at least 1 trip out a day, and now that the weather is getting better, we'll take a walk with Jay in the evening. While he sleeps I'm playing catch up on some chores and cooking. I'm working on finding some mommy groups to join which will also help with how I spend my time. 

Before we get to the fun part (pictures), we wanted to let you know that we take tons of videos of Kubs and they automatically get uploaded to: http://www.youtube.com/user/JSLawson1010101
You can enjoy watching him talk and turn and hold his bottle! I'll start working on naming the videos and putting information in the description. But for now, whenever you  need a Kabir fix you can always find him on YouTube. 

And now the part you have all been waiting for... PICTURES!!

2 months!

With Georgina

Mommy made me!

Happy St. Patty's

Happy St. Patty's 2

First "real" snow

Hanging out with Daddy

Naked time is the best!
Happy Easter!
Sleeping on Uncle My

Daddy makes me fly

Being cool while drinking my milkies

So sleepy!

With my Amama

Mommy gives the best kisses

Easter Family Picture 

Bath time calm

On Nana's Blanket

Grandparent Picture

With Uncle Tony

Family Picture

Another family Picture
Reading with Amama

Sleeping with Grandpa Joe
Aunt Nat's visit

Easter Swag

With Aunt Amanda

With Grandma Grace

With Aunt Kelly 

With Grandpa Steve

With Aunt Rad and Uncle Jon

Aunt Alicia and Nicole

Look Guys- no swaddle!

With Nana

Happy 3 months! 
Until next time,
hugs and kisses!

Jay, Sandra and Kabir

Monday, April 8, 2013

Kabir's First Bedtime Story

When Kabir was about 2-3 weeks old, Jay told him the following story: 

Once upon a time there was a baby Kabir. He enjoyed many things that babies do, but his favorite was pooping. He pooped everywhere all the time. Eventually, the people in his village got tired of him.

"You're poops are smelly, and they stain our clothes and get on our shoes. Go live somewhere else."

Kabir cried and walked away and began looking for a place that would take him. However, wherever he went, the people did not want him for the same reasons. He began to get very sad.

Eventually, he sat down on a very dry, dusty part of the ground. He cried and pooped and peed for a long time. Then he went under a tree and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he was swamped in tall plants, and could hear people murmuring and laughing. 

"Our crops!" they shouted. "Our food is growing!" They ran around happily and found Kabir laying in the middle of it. 

"Did you do this?" they asked. "Our hero!" They grabbed and lifted him up high above the plants. Kabir was so happy he couldn't stop laughing. 

The villagers celebrated Kabir with a feast, and Kabir was so happy to find a home where he and his talents were appreciated. He stayed and lived there for a long time, pooping and celebrating with his new friends.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Life Changes

You would think that with all the preparing- mental, emotional, physical and such- that by the time baby arrived you would be ready for anything. 

And for most things that runs true- poopy diapers, dropped suckies, crying fits, and more. 

But when it comes to "what am I going to do now" it feels like such a hard question. 

From as far back as I can remember, I always knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom. In fact, I remember arguing with my parents that there was no reason for me to take out all those loans to be a doctor when all I wanted to do after I had a child was stay at home and raise him/her. 

But I also loved to work. I have been working/going to school since forever. In high school I privately tutored. In college I worked for a tutoring agency and privately tutored. After college I worked as a teacher. In fact, doing something was such an ingrained part of my life that the first year after teaching I got a summer job. Four and half years ago I started working for the City. 

The job was part time, and it fit my life pretty nicely. As my abilities became more apparent my responsibilities grew, but I still stayed part time. And I continued to work in my little office in the City. I loved what I did! It was the perfect balance of desk work, outreach, event planning, social services and working with children. If I could invent a job for me this would be it- but full time, with benefits, and a little more balance. 

Sure, everyday wasn't wonderful. There were people I didn't like. There were projects I didn't like. I even needed a break from constantly being the person everyone went to for help. But over all it was good. 

I got that full time job April 2012, and shortly after I found out that I was pregnant. And from that moment the life changes began. The biggest life decision I had to make was "what did I plan on doing after our baby was born?"

I knew I was going to take the 12 weeks of FMLA and I knew I wanted Jay home for some of it. But what do I do after? Do I still stay home even though I have this wonderful job? Do I go back to work and leave my kid in day care after we worked so hard to have him? Would part time be an answer? Day care is expensive, can we afford it with me working?

I thought and thought and thought about all those questions and more for 37 weeks of pregnancy, and then 12 weeks of FMLA. 

I realized there was no perfect answer. And that you never know if what you chose was the right answer because you don't get a do over. But I knew I had to do what was best for my family and what was best for me. 

I'm amazed at stay at home moms. There is so much that goes into staying at home that people take for granted. It's not as easy as some people imagine. There is always so much to do and a child who always needs you. Sometimes it's so easy to lose yourself. And yet, there are so many women who stay at home, do what they need to do,  and maintain a sense of self. 

I'm also amazed at working mothers. Moms who go to work all day after not sleeping well at night. Moms who do all the things needed at work and pumping if they need to. Moms who then come home and find time and energy to be with their baby. 

The battle of both sides is never ending. 

So after all that thinking, pros and cons lists, and trying to find myself and balance. I finally made a decision. 

Today I resigned from my position at the City. I will be working as Kabir's mom for as long as it feels right. 

I know I am fortunate to be in a position where we can do this. I also know that this isn't the end of the decision. I get to revisit this decision along the way and see if it's still the best decision for me and my family. 

I look forward to see all that this journey holds for me, Kabir and Jay.