So we've decided to have Baby Lawson baptized. I suppose we had decided that long before Baby Lawson was even an idea, but I have gone back and forth about baptism.
I think a lot of it has to do with beliefs that are taught that I don't personally think align with what it means to be Catholic. As an adult, I've learned to temper everything that I am told to do/believe with what my conscience tells me is right. But how do I do that with a child while not appearing to always have some exception to the rule?
Our parish has every couple go through baptism class for their first child. So we decided this would be the beginning of our discernment process. Class was held on two Sundays for 5 hours total.
Going to this class didn't start on the best foot. We were sent an information packet about Baptism, including the guidelines for picking Godparents. Oh did every one hear my piece about Godparents!! First, you can't have two Godparents of the same gender. Period. What if I didn't have a man or woman in my life that had the faith and character traits I wanted as a role model for a child? Nope, if it's two people of the same gender, no can do! I completely understand that one Godparent has to be a confirmed Catholic. No qualms there. But why does the other Godparent have to be a baptized Christian? That completely eliminates any one in our family who isn't baptized or who isn't Christian, regardless of if the person is a faith filled person who would guide a child morally. And what guarantee is it that someone who is baptized is a good person?
Ok, I could go on but enough ranting. There were good parts to all of this. At one point in the class we were asked "What do you seek of the Church?" I answered that I was looking for "unconditional love, acceptance, and support through our child's discerning faith journey which begins with baptism." I thought I had done really well! And then Jay answered and made it so clear to me that we were making the right decision. He said "you want to make your child always feel supported and through baptism we are able to give our child the broadest and deepest family."
The broadest and deepest family. This is a family that transcends pure genetic ties. One that has a spiritual connection beyond the Church walls. One filled with love and joy over the blessing and growth of a new little one. A family that will show our child how loved s/he is, how accepted s/he is, and that s/he is beautiful just because s/he exists. And through this broad, deep family, our child will be surrounded with so much goodness. S/he will be able to discern for his/herself and stand up for what s/he believes in. We don't have to worry, because we are surrounded by an amazing family that our child is already blessed to be a part of.
The knitting group at our Church, sealed this idea for me. They came by and had knitted each couple a lovely blanket pictured below. They did this not to pass judgement, but so that each child would be wrapped in the warm blessings of their prayers. Our blanket is beautiful and pictured below with our stuffed monkey Phillipe.
Thank you for being a part of our lovely, broadest and deepest family! We can't wait to share more with you!!
Also, I know you are all dying to find out if we're having a boy or a girl and what his/her name will be. I know we are!! Our appointment where we find out the sex of the baby is Friday, Sept. 28. BUT Jay and I will be having reveal cupcakes at work on Monday, Oct. 1. Soooo there won't be a blog post until Oct. 1 in the evening. And if you are dying to know and can't wait, text or email me and we'd be happy to share!!