Monday, September 10, 2012

When You're Pregnant... Life Pours!

Being pregnant has some perks- pregnant parking, yummy delicious food, all the extra attention, looking forward to a lovely little baby and so much more. 

But it has it's crap-tastic moments too! Here's a few of both from the last couple o' weeks:
  • I got bronchitis! In the summer, while preggo, in the middle of an important work week, while Jay was traveling. So that translated to no days off, sounding like a XXX phone operator who may have smoked too long in her life and then like a prepubescent boy, having to run out for most things and do most of the errands, and terribly missing Jay! I was lucky that mom, dad, Tony and Andrew were there to help and listen to me being the biggest baby on earth and making all the silly things I wanted to eat!
  • Following getting better, I caught a lovely summer cold. Looks like there will be plenty of Kleenex and prepubescent voice in my future :) 
  • At 20 weeks (halfway there!!) I look like I'm pregnant now! I went from being chubby to actually having a baby belly (skipped the baby bump of course) There's a picture below- feast your eyes on my belly! 
  • Because I've started to look pregnant, my pants don't fit and well leggings aren't an everyday option. So, I thought I'd be smart and buy maternity full panel jeans because I'd get the longest use from them- obviously! What I failed to realize is that my tummy is not big enough to hold up the full panel jeans, so for now I walk around pulling up my jeans. It's quite the rocking look :) 
  • We've had 2 doctors' appointment around when the bronchitis was first diagnosed and one today. Our first doctor was a little "I'm the best doctor" and the visit was pretty normal. Our second visit, which included the power going out, was much more entertaining. Our doctor regaled us with server, WiFi and sunshine stories.  We didn't get an ultrasound either time, but we did hear baby's heart again. I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing that wonderful sound! My belly is measuring perfectly.  At 155 beats per minute Baby's heart is healthy and mommy is healthy too! 
  • Drum roll please :::da da da da dum::: we'll be finding out if we have a Baby Boy or a Baby Girl on Sept. 28, 2012 at 2:25 p.m. EST. So cast your votes now, and wait until you're told if you're an aunt or an uncle ;) 
  • To that end, we have baby names picked out! But those will be our secret until we find out if Baby is a girl or boy. But trust us, you'll love either name! 
  • Pregnant belly means that Baby is getting bigger and stronger. I just started feeling little baby kick! Baby seems to like kicking the most at night time, which makes all the sense in the world given that I'm Baby's mom. 
Other than those updates, we're just excitedly waiting to meeting Baby. We've made a few grown up decisions which has been fun. But for the most part I love telling people I'm pregnant and that our lovely little one will be here in the New Year! 

Until next time- hugs and kisses and super wishes from Jay + Sandra = 3!